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Muscle Inhibition

How Does it Work?

Increase Performance!
The secret behind pain relief is muscle strength. Everyone experiencing pain has muscle inhibition. Finding that inhibition and turning the muscle on is key in getting rid of pain. That is what we do at Muscle IQ Physical Therapy. We are conveniently located for anyone in the Orem or Provo area.
Have you ever felt that your muscles are not activating like they did before your injury? Your muscles are not 100% turned on, which can lead to further injuries and decreased performance.
At Muscle IQ, with our hands on therapy approach, we know how to turn on muscles so they are working at 100% of their functioning level. We don't just treat the symptoms but make sure we are fixing the cause of your injuries so the pain won't come back!
Muscle inhibition occurs because of danger messages that are communicated from the body to the spinal cord. This communication is called "afferent input". The spinal cord responds to danger by communicating to the muscles to contract or relax. This is called "efferent input".
Did you injure your low back in a motor vehicle accident? We will work hand-hand with your pain management physician and your personal injury attorney.

Muscle Inhibition
Bumps, bruises, sprains and strains – Minor injuries are part of life. Our body usually heals the damage and restores us to normal.
Sometimes, it doesn’t. Some injuries become chronic, persistent and disabling.
Many patients spend lots of time and money visiting dozens of practitioners and specialists looking for an answer that eludes them.
The good news is that for most of these patients, there is a solution.
The culprit is usually hidden muscle weakness.
Some people have a body that is compromised.
They have MUSCLE INHIBITION, a condition not always recognized by modern medicine, conventional or alternative.

Why exercise Alone might not decrease your pain?
While exercise is a popular treatment for weakness, it doesn’t solve inhibition. If it did, top athletes wouldn’t end up needing spinal surgery or hip replacements.
Messages from the spinal cord control muscle tone. Even at rest, every muscle fibre is receiving 50 messages a second – at full contraction, it’s 500 times per second.
The only way we can move properly is by constantly balancing and coordinating every muscle contraction with every other muscle contraction.
Balanced muscle tone is too complex to be processed by the brain, so we use spinal reflexes. This means that most of our movement can occur without conscious attention. We might initiate a movement (jumping off a chair) but landing will be mostly automatic. The message from our body to our spinal cord is called afferent input.
If something inhibits our muscles, we are vulnerable to injury. Those injuries may not heal if the inhibited muscle can’t stabilise the injured joints, so the injury becomes chronic or recurrent.